I’ve got 4 kids and we have been so very blessed to have hand-me-downs for about 75% of their clothing. I really cannot even fathom how much money it has saved us. Even if you don’t have direct access to a free line of hand-me-downs (ours come mostly from cousins), there are so many ways to get inexpensive clothes for little ones.
I actually think this is one area where Goodwill isn’t the best option {with the exception of shoes.} In GW the other day, the baby outfits ran around $3-$4 (some of them stained), and I can almost always find a brand new outfit for that price, or cheaper.
Here is my younger daughter as a baby wearing one of the few outfits I paid for out of pocket.
The price tag? $7, which was a little steep for my taste, but, it was on 50% off rack! Yay! So a brand-new outfit for less than a used one is better in my book.
Here are some ways to get cheap baby/children’s clothing:
- Ask a friend if you could buy her baby’s too-small clothes. If the baby is her last, she may be more than happy to get a little cash for them, and help you out at the same time!
- Garage sales. When I went garage-saling a few months ago, my niece purchased some fancy rain boots for 25 cents. Yep, a quarter. They were brand-new looking, and the same ones in the store are at least $30! {And I also got Nikes for myself for $2!}
- Clearance racks for the ending season. Almost every summer, I go into Children’s Place and pick up a few pieces for my older daughter for the next summer. Their clothes are super-cute and durable. Last year, I got shirts for $1 and $2. I also bought she and my son bathing suits at the end of the summer last year at Carter’s for about $3 each. Just remember to think ahead on this one!
As I mentioned before, I don’t think Goodwill is the usually the best place for kids’ clothes. I did get my older daughter some tap shoes for around $5, while they are usually about $15 retail. Special occasion clothes may be cheaper there as well, but for me, buying t-shirts and jeans seems better at retail stores, on the clearance racks.
I also haven’t had much luck at consignment shops for kids. Their prices seem about the same, if not a little higher, than clearance racks- and they’re not new. I do love consignment shops for myself, though!
Hopefully you can use some of these tips to get some cute clothing for your little ones, while not breaking the bank!
Contributed by Kelli of Eat Pray Read Love
The post Recycling Children’s Clothing appeared first on Houston Mothers Blog.